K. Walker Photography was selected to receive an invitation to attend Burrell Colour Imagings 2008 Presidential Circle Reunion, March 9th through March 12, 2008, at the historic Del Coronado Hotel on Coronado Island near San Diego California. The presidential circle is comprised of the nation's most elite professional portrait, wedding, and event photographers, of which only a select number of studios nationwide are included as members. The event was a great success!
This unique event was hosted by Don Burrell of Burrell Colour Imaging, located in Crown Point Indiana. Burrell Labs are known as a leader in quality that's why we have been their dedicated customer for over a decade. They put as much tender loving care into your portrait as we do when we are creating it for you.
The Hotel was superb, the sp eakers and seminars were amazing and will help keep Matt and I on the cutting edge of creativity and imagination.
We were treated to a yacht dinner cruise and got some really shots of San Diego from the ship.
Class of 2008
You still have time for Senior Portraits class of 2008.